Biomass provisioning services

Biomass provisioning services include the ecosystem contributions to the growth of the following: cultivated plants that are harvested by economic units for various uses including food and fibre production, fodder and energy; grazed biomass that is an input to the growth of cultivated livestock; cultivated livestock and livestock products (e.g., meat, milk, eggs, wool, leather); animals and plants (e.g. fish, shellfish, seaweed) in aquaculture facilities that are harvested for various uses; trees and other woody biomass in both cultivated (plantation) and uncultivated production contexts that are harvested for various uses including timber production and energy; fish and other aquatic biomass that are captured in uncultivated production contexts for various uses; wild animals, plants and other biomass that are captured and harvested in uncultivated production contexts for various uses. Biomass provisioning services are final ecosystem services (except the grazed biomass provisioning services, which may also be an intermediate service to livestock provisioning services).


Raw materials
Food production

Ecosystem service:

Biomass provisioning services

Natural capital:

Structural and biotic integrity

Ecosystem components and types:

Mechanisms of change in state:

Mechanisms of change in state: